But ALL of the time, I am grateful.
I am strong. I am a walking testimony. I am a survivor. I am beautiful.
I am a warrior with a purpose much, much bigger than myself.
I am ready for battle and I will conquer, like I’ve done before.
- Devri Velazquez
Let's take a
second to talk about one of my favorite people & bloggers in the whole entire
world, Ms. Devri Velazquez.
You know how you
hear about those people that come along in life that are labeled, just so
likable? Well that's Devri. My first interactions with her came through
tweeting, we chit chatted and it became apparent that she was a very insightful
young woman. Then came the news that she had fallen extremely ill. I didn't
really know the reasons as to why she was sick then she confirmed that she was
diagnosed with a rare autoimmune vascular disease called Takayasu’s Arteritis
(See her post on it here). I'm not going to even front for you guys, I
was extremely distraught because my first inclination is to not want anyone to
be sick, let alone anyone I could talk & have intellectual conversations with.
My first reaction was to pour out the support for her & join in with others to
let her know she wasn't alone during this time.
But then something
funny happened.
She demonstrated
in essence what the human spirit is capable of at the darkest of hours, she let
her hope & love shine through. Before I met her, I thought as myself as one of
few people that had the higher mental level to deal with various things such as
death & bad times. But like anything in life, you can learn a thing or two from
someone else at all times. She showed me how important it is to never stop
having the courage & belief that things are & will get better in due time, as
long as you believe so.
Her blog is
riddled with posts that I love. from the various pictures that she posts to the
topics that even I have to sit back and think "why didn't I write about this as
well". She's not a "one trick pony" either. Her blog topics deal with things
that can relate to your life, nostalgic topics that will have you remembering
good times & things that can educate you on to make you have a better
understanding of the world. Her blog literally has it all. I visit her page
routinely because there is so much depth to her posts that it makes me stay on a
good foot as a blogger. If you're an up and coming blogger or just someone that
wants to get a feel of how blogging is suppose to look. Then this is the page
for you.
There isn't a
bunch of clutter that would prevent you from moving around the site to different
posts. It's rather easy to navigate and it has that personal feel to it. I think
the fact that she has the pictures and the tweets on the page adds a nice touch
of both keeping it constantly updated whether it be by post, picture or tweet.
It also has a lot of detail that catches your eye such as her banner, the color
combinations and the fonts.
Also, she's the
junior content editor and writer for
I know I have a lot of natural haired readers here, so there's a lot of helpful
information there.
In short, this is
blogging at it's finest. When the blogger puts the time, effort, and personal
involvement behind every post, it makes for great and compelling reading. If
there was ever a person that I would defer my better blogging judgment to, it
would be Devri. Don't be afraid to leave a comment or ask a question via twitter
because she interacts with such elegance and poise that she makes you want to
keep coming back after you research more on what you asked.
Support her blog, and follow her on twitter
Instagram at

"I embrace all of my flaws and quirks, as we all should. Who
made up what ‘perfect’ means, anyway? Indulge in my shortcomings. I do. Why?
Because God came up with the idea of ME. No one else here on Earth did. That
makes me perfect by default. We all are, and I think it’s important to always
remember that. Instead of focusing on what makes us ‘not enough’, spotlight what
makes us beyond worthy. Each day that we are alive is another day that God
granted us to be made into perfect creatures for Him and for His divine
- Devri Velazquez
- Devri Velazquez
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