On September 9th,
2005, I wrote my first blog post.
That seemed like
forever and a day ago. I originally started blogging because I was looking for
sections to add to my personal website that I created after learning C++ back in
2003 & then taking a course my freshman year at Shaw University, peaking my
interest in web design again. I continued to blog sporadically through 2006
until I finally put it on the back burner for notes feature on Facebook.
Basically from there I just posted a lot of pictures and what not. Then
somewhere around 2009 my first Facebook was deleted and I had to start over, so
instead of putting everything into one place, I branched out and found blogger.
I posted randomly
on blogger, for the most part because I didn't really have time to post like I
wanted to due to me being in the military from 2010 t0 2013. I didn't really
have the time to commit to blogging like I wanted to, due to the fact that I had
to focus on other things. So around late 2013 I decided to pick back up on the
blogging and it wasn't really til around June of 2014 that I really gave it the
time it deserved. This year I've already posted more blogs that I've ever posted
before. I found in part that I gave away a lot of opinions, thoughts and
potential topic ideas on twitter, spent venting, so I stopped, and the outcome
is more in depth posts and topics. Hopefully at the beginning of 2015 I can roll
out all the things that I'm working on for my blog.
I really don't
like the whole concept of about me's where people rail off a list of things that
they have done or things that they want to do. I more so keep things close to
the chest, and as you read more posts by me, you can kind of dive into the whole
understanding of who I am and my thought process. I was actually reading my
blogs from 2005 all the way through to now and I've really matured and grown as
a man.Blogging to me is where an individual can share their ideas and beliefs in
a constructive manner and it's presented in a light where it's either
educational or people will respect your opinion. Either way, blogging is suppose
to be about you, and the growth that you experience in life, so that way people
can understand you as the person you are. I also think that if something were to
ever happen to me, people will be able to come back to my page and read the
words that I wrote and remember me or learn more about me through them.
Either way I thank
you for taking the time to read this, and my posts. This is my hobby that I've
decided to focus my attention on and this is something that I take very
seriously, so all the positive comments that I receive and even the negative
ones serve as building stones for me to get better as a writer and better
express myself as the human that I am.
Stay tuned,
there's always something better in the works here at Cold Knowledge.
always a nice feeling,
Having people think that you feel things much deeper than you're allowed to say,
But this isn't true.
If you want to find out what a writer or a cartoonist really feels,
Look at his work. That's enough.
Having people think that you feel things much deeper than you're allowed to say,
But this isn't true.
If you want to find out what a writer or a cartoonist really feels,
Look at his work. That's enough.
- Shel Silverstein
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog belong to me, and solely me. Anyone who contributes to this blog with their own personal views are that of their own. Additionally, any picture or quote used is not for personal profit. This is solely for fun.
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