Adrianna Moses

In life you meet certain people that just dominate your senses. Like they come in and they establish who they are, what they want from you and show you how they will upgrade your life, those people are the best people in the world to know. With those people that were either taught at an early age on how to be the person that they want to be in life, or they simply go through things that make them stronger and make them that much wiser. I have here one of those amazing people that just came along made her way into my life simply by being who she is, Ms. Adrianna Moses.

Hailing from Detroit, "Detroit vs. Everybody" is still one of my favorite quotes of all time because of the bride that the city has. She prides herself on her ability to continuously learn about herself and her womanhood to become a better person for herself, her family, friends and community. She constantly gives back whether it is through volunteering or her very own yoga classes designed for the community and youth at hand, giving back and trying to better people is in her M.O.

Anyone who follows me on twitter sees her RT's to my timeline fairly often, as I consider her to be of very high intelligence, simply put, her tweets are all that and more, you can actually see some of them in the post "Growth". I like to encourage people to blog who are just really all around individuals, they have to possess that "it" factor to me in terms of just knowing their goals in life and how things work and don't work out when doing things. Aside from volunteering and practicing Yoga, she also paints, takes an interest in how the planet works along with the complexities of human nature and why we do the things we do.

She also enjoys writing, so I'm really excited that I could convince her to come here and write posts for you guys and show you a different, awesome view of life. I am very selective with whom I work with here, as I don't want anyone who just doesn't have that certain niche for writing about something of substance, but I'm confident that Adrianna will come through and knock it out of the park. So I hope you guys are excited as I am with this new awesome addition to the site and be on the lookout for all of her posts listed her on her bio.

If you want to get in contact with her to talk about her posts or just see all of the awesome things that she likes to post, just check out her twitter (@From_Hadria). Welcome to the site, Adrianna!

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