"You've been
here before".
This past
Thanksgiving weekend produced two conversations that really changed my mindset
and view on things. The first conversation I had was with my favorite cousin who
always knows how to make me get myself together and my mind right when I need it
the most. Then there was this other conversation that I was not expecting at
all. It was definitely out of left field, and it was from a person in a million
years never thought would be able to comprehend me, clearly I'm not that
complicated as I like to think lol. But the reason why these two conversations
resonate so freshly in my mind is because they both at one point said to me one
similar line, "you've been here before". And as I thought about that statement I
started to realize that they were right.
When I got
out of the military last June, I was completely unhappy by the point I signed
out of base and was free to go where ever I choose to go. Of course I got the
initial partying and what not out of my system and I saw all the people that had
to be seen. But it got to a point after all of the hoopla settled down and
everyone was comfortable that I was back at home, that I realized that I still
had that air of unhappiness. I had one friend back then suggest to me to take a
couple of months off because I spent the last couple of years busting my ass, I
owed myself that much. At the time I didn't know what to do exactly, so I just
went with the flow of life.
I did things
alone, I went places alone, and I up and left when I wanted to. I don't think
doing things alone is necessarily what would do the trick this time, but I think
now that it's time to get back to being happy and in order to do that, I need to
take some steps. I actually did this for about a couple of months because I was
just in the motion of things. The first thing I really need to do is get my
physical body back together. That's why I'm embarking on this 30 day workout
challenge with my cousin, I'm really excited about that and I'm looking forward
to it. Then I'm going on a no red meat, no fast food, and only water for the
next 30 days.
This should
be relatively easy because I'm starting a new job that I plan on using as a
launch pad to one of two of things I have planned. But that's for another time
and place. But for now, it's 30 days of me, for me. Last time I took some time
to myself, GREAT things happened for me. I'm just trying to regain that level of
being me because I have a lot of friends that say to me "we just want you
to be alright Dev, you're the one we could count on to be always together and
happy with the decisions you make. That is sorely missed because you kept us a
float". When you have a people that say things like that, then you have
a duty to be the best you can be, because no one else is going to be for you. As
far as my blog, I'm still going to release blogs every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, I already have them all done up and scheduled to go out. So don't worry
about my absence too much lol. My aunt said to me that there is a change in the
air and the blessing are coming, you better be in position to receive them.
What are your
goals for December going into January for the New Years? Leave a comment below
as always.
Until next time guys!
Until next time guys!
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