People tend
to think that this is a relationship advice blog, when in reality it's not even
close. I just write about things that I've went through in hopes of people learn
something from my past dealings with the opposite sex and how I learned from
those dealings. I do write blogs every now and then about how to make things
stronger or some stuff to enhance, but that's based off various people that I've
talked to and poled about what they would do if put in certain positions and
then I make a blog based off that, but doing what Mr. Rob Hill, Sr. does, no I
do not.
With that
being said, I learned a great deal from this book, I do thank my homie Tiffany for passing this book along to me to check out. It definitely
opened my eyes to a lot of things that I forgot and flat out didn't know about
myself, females and the whole relationship process. I read this book and
realized how bad I was tripping in most of my past relationships, on various
topics that came up. This book is something that I will reference from time to
time when I just chill out, or need a reminder of the little things that I need
to do.
The book was
pretty much written in a format that was easy to understand and even easier to
reference, it was broken down for the intro, general knowledge and things for
both sides to practice in their respective chapters. It's not filled with
unnecessary point of views and wasted words; it basically gets in and gets out
what it needs to. All in all, this book is great for people who understand the
importance of falling in love with the right person and looking to improve on
their own personal abilities and understandings of what it takes to be that kind
of person worth loving when it comes that time.
Like I said,
this book helped me TREMENDOUSLY. I would advise anyone who's looking to simply
do better to read this book and take it serious.
If you read
the book, do you have any views on the content? If you haven't, what are you
most looking forward to taking away from the book? Leave your response in the
comments below. Make sure you check out the author Rob Hill, Sr. located here:

Twitter: @RobHillSr
Rob Hill Sr.
Until next
time guys.
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