I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight,
Because my conscience leaves me no other choice.
A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war,
This way of settling difference is, is not just.
This business of burning human beings with napalm,
Filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows,
Of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of peoples normally humane.
Of sending men home from the dark and bloody battlefields
Physically handicapped and psychologically deranged,
Cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.
Physically handicapped and psychologically deranged,
Cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love.
I didn't
want to write this before I saw Selma.
thoughts before watching
Selma was one of unrest. I was really hoping that they didn't depict him
in the wrong light, all the while educating me to the different aspect of
his life. In turn I got little of what I wanted, but rather more than what I
My views
on racism is different than most people now a days in the sense that most
don't experience the physical aspect of it, in terms of being assaulted in
broad daylight. The systematic destruction of our race through subtle
denials of opportunities is the current struggle for us all. Though I am but
28 years of age, I have seen the eyes of a man that wanted to kill me
because of the color of my skin. Being the age of 12 at the time, it was the
scariest thing ever, but I learned am important lesson that day. That lesson
being that people hate what they're scared of, hate what they don't
understand, and hate a change in their way of life. That is the lesson in
life that I've learned, I've learned to look past peoples skin color and see
them as the humans they are.
I've met
so many people that have been kicked down by life, turned the other way and
they just wanted to be happy like everyone else. The message of Dr. King was
clear, equality for everyone, because there is always someone that has it
bad. There is always going to be someone that's oppressed, there is always
someone that's going to need help. The span between 1963 to 1968 saw three
of the most influential people this world has ever seen be assassinated, John F. Kennedy in '63,
Malcolm X in '65 and
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in '68. There were many people that
contributed greatly to the civil rights, and countless others sacrificed
their lives for what they knew to be right.
Selma personified what the overall message was, that fairness of all is
justice for all. What's sad about the whole ordeal is that
Selma was snubbed at the Oscars when clearly it was the movie of the
year with a phenomenal performance by David Oyelowo portraying MLK. All in
Selma will be a movie that I watch from time to time and it will be a
movie that I show my children when they get to that age so they never forget
why we celebrate our heroes and the struggles that they go through. I'm not
one of those people that celebrate just one day, because the struggle is
just not one day.
One thing
that does get me is the fact that we don't have those leaders that can just
walk into the White House and have a conversation with the president about
what the people need as a part of their basic rights. That is something I
did notice from the movie, we don't have that one person who just doesn't
waiver and who isn't so easily torn down. There are so many people that can
tell what the problem is, but doesn't want to stand up to do anything about
it, but that's another blog for another day.
All in all, go see Selma
and support that film, it was definitely good.
What are your opinions on the movie or MLK day in general, leave your
opinion in the comments below.
Until next time guys.
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