Never met her before,
But I think I like her like a metaphor,
It's hard to get.
But I think I like her like a metaphor,
It's hard to get.
- Lupe Fiasco
I was always told that the greatest people in
your life will remind you of your favorite songs, when I think of
this young lady I always hear
Sunshine By
Lupe Fiasco playing in my head.
I'm really trying to figure out the best way to
describe Canaima, because she's really one those people that you
can't classify to just one category. She's a 00's baby with a 90's
baby mindset, taste in music that will make you jealous, fashion
sense that only a New Yorker could pull off, and a family first
mindset that would make The Cosby's jealous, wit it all trapped
within a supermodel's body. Even after saying all of that, I still
feel like I'm short changing who she is.
But that's who she is, to me. I know that a lot
of people will view you differently and poke holes at who you are
just to make themselves feel better, she doesn't. In regards to
helping people, she always goes out of her way to make you feel
better about yourself when you're down. She doesn't do it because
it's beneficial to her, she doesn't do it because she feels like
she's obligated to, she does it because it's just something that she
wants to do.
There are certain things that I hold near and
dear to my heart, and one of those things happens to be the 90's. I
know people always point out the many flaws of the 90's and how they
can find music that sucks and everything else, but the fact of the
matter is, the 90's was an awesome place to be if you just wanted to
live. There was good music, there were more adventurous people,
there were more amazing things to be found, and more memories to be
created. With the invention of the internet, majority of those
things have been taken away, and taken for granted.
But after meeting Canaima, she makes all of those
feelings come back, she makes things adventurous, she makes things
exciting, she makes movies that much more awesome, she makes
listening to songs on vinyl that much more cooler, she makes putting
on clothes and going out so fun, she gives me that feeling for the
90's again. Those are the kinds of people that you need in your
life, the ones that will have your back and make things exciting all
over again, every single day. But I just wanted to share with you
guys a pretty cool young lady who I met back in 2012 when everything
seemed a little off and she came out of nowhere to let me know that
everything isn't as bad it seems and that life can only get better.
Three years later and I'm still excited to be her friend like the
first day I mentioned her on twitter:

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