Book Review | 48 Laws of Power By Robert Greene

If you haven't read this book yet, then you are doing yourself a disservice.

This book seriously will make you a better person and increase your way of thinking by leaps and bounds. My cousin actually gave me this book to read because I was an unfocused at the time and felt anger at the whole world. When reading this book I realized how wrong I was and how to manage things around me. I don't like to call it a self-help book, it's a self-realization book. It definitely makes you see the era in some ways of handling business, and getting a lot of things done.

When I was in the military and I had issues with some people in authoritative roles, this book bought me smooth back down to reality and it made me realize how I needed to handle those situations to get the best out of it, for me. That's the whole premise of the book, how to handle situations and get the best outcome for you. And that's the most important thing here, making life better for you.

You know I'm not one to spill the details on books, movies or anything of the sort, but I do trust in you for reading something that I picked out. I know a lot of people will try to steer you to books that don't really pertain to you, but this book can help you in a lot of ways, if you allow it to. You have to be open minded and you have to really be able to work through the inadequacies that you have within yourself to be able to deal with the obstacles you'll learn that other people have within themselves that hinder you from being the best that you can be. Because after all, life is about making the best decisions for you and we all know that external factors deal are a major factor in that pursuit of happiness. My recommendation, read this book, read it now, and get ready to benefit from it greatly.

If you have read this book, what are your thoughts? If you haven't, are you looking forward to reading it? Leave it in the comment section below. I hope I gave you guess enough reason to read it because it's easily in my top three of books.

“When you show yourself to the world and display your talents, you naturally stir all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity... you cannot spend your life worrying about the petty feelings of others”

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