Dear Black Girl, Change Has To Come By Michelene J

Dear Black Girl,

A change is gonna come.

A change has to come.

If it did not come, our roughest hour would last an eternity. If that was the case, hope would not exist. And yes, the good times come have to come to an end as well. We have to have faith that change has the potential to bring forth something greater. Change gives us all something to look forward to.

Life wouldn’t be as fascinating and captivating without it.  Change has made me appreciate life more. It reminds me that I can always recreate myself, step into new places, and immerse myself in new ideas.

I know, change is scary. Change fills your head with questions. Change is filled with uncertainty. Change is the journey into the unknown. But we deal with a lot of unknown factors every day. None of us know that we are going wake up tomorrow, yet we have faith that everything is going to be alright. You’ll be alright.

Failure to change, however, has repercussions. If you’re not constantly evolving, you will get left behind. Sure, you’ll have company (someone is always stuck in one place in life), but it’s a sad to see people not go as far as they can possibly go. Life is too remarkable of an experience to not take full advantage of everything it has to offer.

Rather than using change as crutch to support fear, embrace it. It is a fundamental of life. Scientifically, you cannot avoid it even if you try to shelter yourself until the day you die. You can either wait for change to forcefully move you, or you can move with it. If you move with it, eventually you’ll start to become comfortable to create change—changes that can enhance your life and the people you are able to touch.

We just have to believe in ourselves and believe that change will bring us one step closer to our purpose.

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